Say "No" to materialism! - A lesson from Abraham Lincoln

Dear folks, as we continue with the "Say 'No'" series, I wish to remind us that the insatiable desire for mundane things and unending cravings for personal belongings against all odds contribute to the ills of the society. Most of us throw caution to the winds as long as they get what they go for thereby trampling upon the fundamental human rights of other people. Many parents and guardians give flimsy reasons of "being too busy with work" that they have little or no time to do the fundamental things - paying adequate attention to the lifestyle of their children and wards.

Growing up, I had come across the popular letter Abraham Lincoln wrote to his son's teacher. For all we may have known about this man, it'll suffice to say he was a very busy person but he still found a way of playing that FATHERLY ROLE to his son. His busy schedules never interfered with his parenting responsibilities especially the point where he praised hardwork over earnings through crooked means.

And so while assisting 'my own son' with his school project, I found the letter at and decided to bring it up here as a reminder that we all - irrespective of status - have got some roles to play in mentoring our subjects and surbodinates into doing "the right things" that would contribute in healing our world of societal vile.

Highlighted below are the written words of Abraham Lincoln to his son's teacher.
Read it and please share this article.

"My son starts school today. It is all going to be strange and new to him for a while and I wish you would treat him gently. It is an adventure that might take him across continents. All adventures that probably include wars, tragedy and sorrow. To live this life will require faith, love and courage.
So dear Teacher, will you please take him by his hand and teach him things he will have to know, teaching him – but gently, if you can, Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend. He will have to know that all men are not just, that all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero, that for every crooked politician, there is a dedicated leader.
Teach him if you can that 10 centsearned is of far more value than a dollar found. In school, teacher, it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat. Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he does win.
Teach him to be gentle with people, tough with tough people. Steer him away from envyif you can and teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Teach him if you can – how to laugh when he is sad, teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success. Teach him to scoff at cynics.
Teach him if you can the wonders of books, but also give time to ponder the extreme mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun and flowers on a green hill. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if every one tell him they are wrong.
Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone else is doing it. Teach him to listen to every one, but teach him also to filter all that he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through.
Teach him to sell his talents and brains to the highest bidder but never to put a price tag on his heart and soul. Let him have the courage to be impatient, let him have the patient to be brave. Teach him to have sublime faith in himself, because then he will always have sublime faith in mankind, in God.
This is the order, teacher but see what best you can do. He is such a nice little boy and he is my son."

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